The CUX “Chefs Tables” @Home Menus

As we start to come out of this awful pandemic we feel it’s time to look forward, here at CUX we have been planning for the future and have decided to enhance our at home services to include the all new CUX “Chefs Tables”@ Home.

Below are a sample of our new concept menus, these styles of menus and services will bring you an interactive and totally bespoke event in the comfort of your own home.

It could be anything from a Multi Course Taster Menu, a Seafood Extravaganza to showcase our amazing British Seafood.
A Full 3 Course menu where all 3 courses are cooked “Tableside” for you and your guests to interact and enjoy.
It may be a hands on Italian Evening where you will see the chef make fresh pasta in front of you and maybe even give him a hand !!.

How about having your dessert constructed in front of you tableside or have your Longhorn Yorkshire Rib Eye finished on Hot Himalayan salt rocks right in front of you!!

We feel this interactive approach will enable us to deliver an even higher standard of food and service to which we have been known for over the past six years.

There will be a host of options which will give you some idea of what we are thinking but ultimately we can discuss any number of bespoke ideas to make your event one everyone will remember.

Email: [email protected] to discuss this new and exciting Private Dining Experience.

Prepared, Cooked & Served at The Table

Classic French Gueridon Style 3 Course Menus

Menu Number One

Pan Fried King Prawns
Pernod, Chorizo,Tomato Essence
Pesto Sourdough 

Classical Steak au Poivre
Yorkshire Fillet, Pink Peppercorns,
Brandy & Tarragon
Dauphinoise, Peas Francais, Vichy Carrots

Crepes Suzette
Orange, Cointreau, Muscovado
Vanilla Ice Cream

Menu Number Two

Moules Mariniere
Saffron Aioli
Garlic Crouton

Entrecote Steak Diane
Dijon Mustard, Brandy & Double Cream
Fondant Potatoes
Roasted Purple Broccoli

Caramelized Peach Flambe
Rum & Creme Chantilly
Peppered Strawberries

Menu Number Three

Carpaccio of Aged beef Fillet
Grain Mustard Dressing
Wild Rocket

Thermador of BBQ Rock Lobster
Truffled Mash Potatoes
Asparagus & Pine Nuts

Caramelized Bananas “Foster”
Vanilla Ice Cream, Cinnamon & Rum

Table Side 6 Course Taster Menu

Menu Number One

Home Smoked Salmon Pastrami
Tempura Oyster
Oyster Mayonnaise

Wild Mushroom Tortellini
Shaved Truffle, Porcini Powder
Truffle Oil Pearls

Yorkshire Wagu Rib of Beef
Smoked Potato

Marrowbone Tempura
Cavolo Nero

Lowna Goats Cheese Custard
Asparagus, Hazelnut,
Micro Rocket

Nitro “Eton Mess”
Annabelles Yorkshire Strawberries

Fennel Meringue

Lauden Chocolates
Taylors Coffee

Menu Number 2

Estate Farm Venison Tartare 
Smoked Egg Yolk
Crispy Caperberry
Gherkin Oil
Brioche Soldiers

Mussel, Cockle, Clam & Smoked Bacon Broth
Saffron Aioli

Herdwick Hogget, Peas, Kohlrabi, White Onions
Mutton Shank Jus

Truffled Brie De Meaux
Quince Jelly
Thyme Flowers

Valrhona Chocolate Fondant
Candy Floss, Maldon Salt

Lauden Chocolates
Taylors Coffee

Menu Number Three

Salad of Lobster, Vanilla Apple, Fennel, Tarragon Gel
Roasted Lobster Hollandaise

Pecorino Custard & Truffle
Balsamic Roscoff Onions

Herb Roasted Poulet Bresse
Seared Foie Gras
Pomme Galette
Broad Bean Puree
Garlic Confit & Girolles

Mojito Granita
Mint Jelly, Candied Lime
Crystalized Sugar Stick

Chocolate & Beetroot
Chocolate Parfait, Sauce, Soil, Beetroot Gel,
Puree & Powder, Yoghurt Ice Cream

Lauden Chocolates
Taylors Coffee